Bats are fascinating creatures, but they can also be a nuisance if they decide to roost in your home or business. Bat exclusion is the process of safely removing bats from a building and preventing them from re-entering. This process requires a delicate balance of humane treatment of the bats and effective exclusion techniques. The dos and don’ts of bat exclusion are important for keeping you and the animals safe.


Identify the problem

Identifying a bat infestation can be tricky, as bats are nocturnal and tend to roost in dark, secluded areas. Here are some signs that you may have bats:

  • Bat droppings: Bat droppings, also known as guano, are one of the most common signs of a bat infestation. They are usually found in piles below the roosting site and are shiny and brittle.
  • Stains and smells: Bat urine and feces can leave stains on walls and emit a strong, musty odor.
  • Noises: Bats are nocturnal and tend to be active at night. If you hear scratching or rustling noises coming from the attic or walls at night, it could be a sign of a bat infestation.
  • Sightings: If you see bats flying in and out of your home or building, it is a clear sign that you have a bat infestation.
  • Damage to property: Bats can cause damage to property, such as chewing on electrical wires or insulation.

If you suspect that you have a bat infestation, it is important to contact a professional for proper identification and removal. Attempting to remove bats yourself can be dangerous and ineffective.

Hire a professional

Bat exclusion can be dangerous and should only be performed by trained professionals. A professional bat removal company will use humane exclusion methods that do not harm the bats.  Professionals have the proper equipment and training to safely remove bats without putting themselves or others at risk. Additionally, professionals have the knowledge and experience to effectively identify and seal all entry points, preventing future infestations. Hiring a professional for bat removal is not only humane and safe but also ensures that the job is done right the first time.

Critter Control of Kansas City Metro has years of experience in bat exclusion and a great reputation--we will be able to safely remove the bats and prevent them from re-entering.

Use humane exclusion methods

Bats are protected by law in many areas, so it’s important to use humane exclusion methods. This means using exclusion techniques that do not harm the bats. Humane bat removal involves the use of exclusion techniques that safely remove the bats without harming them. Here are some examples of humane bat removal methods:

  • One-way exclusion devices: These devices allow the bats to exit the building but prevent them from re-entering. They are typically placed over the bats' entry points and should be left in place for a few days to ensure all the bats have exited.
  • Netting: Netting can be used to block off entry points and prevent bats from entering. This is a particularly effective method for larger openings such as attic vents.
  • Sealing entry points: Once the bats have been safely removed, all entry points should be sealed to prevent re-entry. This can include caulking gaps or installing screens over openings.
  • Habitat modification: In some cases, habitat modification may be necessary to prevent future bat infestations. This could involve installing bat houses in nearby trees to provide an alternative roosting location.

Seal entry points

Once the bats have been safely removed, it’s important to seal all entry points to prevent them from re-entering.

Sealing your home from bats involves identifying and sealing all potential entry points to prevent bats from re-entering your home. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Inspect your home: Conduct a thorough inspection of your home to identify all potential entry points. Bats can enter through gaps as small as ¼ inch, so be sure to check for any openings in the roof, walls, vents, and chimney.
  • Seal entry points: Once you have identified the entry points, seal them with caulking, weather stripping, or mesh screens. For larger openings, such as attic vents or chimney caps, consider installing a bat exclusion device, which allows bats to exit but prevents re-entry.
  • Trim trees and shrubs: Bats can use overhanging trees and shrubs as a bridge to access your home. Trim back any branches or foliage that is within six feet of your home.
  • Maintain screens: Make sure that all windows and vents are properly screened and in good condition.
  • Install bat houses: If you want to provide an alternative roosting location for bats, consider installing bat houses on nearby trees or poles.

It is important to note that sealing your home from bats should only be done once the bats have been safely removed from your home. Attempting to seal your home while bats are still inside can result in trapping the bats inside, which can be harmful to both the bats and humans. It is recommended to hire a professional for bat removal and sealing to ensure that the job is done safely and effectively.


Attempt exclusion during the maternity season

It is not recommended to attempt bat exclusion during their maternity season because this can harm the bats and their young. Maternity season is typically from April to August, depending on the species, and during this time female bats give birth and raise their young. If bats are excluded during this time, the young may become trapped inside the home and die of starvation or dehydration, which can result in unpleasant odors and potential health hazards.

Additionally, it is important to note that many species of bats are protected by law, and it is illegal to harm or kill them. Attempting to exclude bats during their maternity season can result in legal penalties and fines.

Check with the professionals at Critter Control of Kansas City Metro to determine the best time for exclusion.

Use toxic chemicals

Using toxic chemicals to get rid of bats is not recommended for several reasons. Firstly, bats are a protected species in many areas and it is illegal to harm or kill them. Using toxic chemicals can result in legal penalties and fines.

Secondly, using toxic chemicals to remove bats can be harmful to other wildlife, pets, and humans. The chemicals used to kill bats can also contaminate the environment, including the air, soil, and water.

Furthermore, using toxic chemicals is often ineffective in removing bats from your home. Bats can avoid areas that are contaminated with chemicals and may simply relocate to another area of your home, resulting in further infestation.

Disturb roosting bats

It is important to avoid disturbing roosting bats and to seek professional help if you need to remove bats from your home or property. A professional bat removal company can safely and humanely remove bats and relocate them to suitable roosting sites. If you're tempted to disturb roosting bats, consider the following: 

  • Bats can carry diseases: While bats themselves are not inherently dangerous, they can carry diseases such as rabies, which can be transmitted to humans and pets through bites or scratches. Disturbing bats can increase the risk of exposure to these diseases.
  • Disturbing bats can cause stress: Bats rely on roosting sites for shelter and protection. Disturbing these sites can cause stress and harm to the bats, which can negatively impact their health and survival.
  • Bats are protected by law: Many species of bats are protected by law, and it is illegal to harm or kill them. Disturbing bat roosting sites can result in legal penalties and fines.

Use ultrasonic devices

Ultrasonic devices are often marketed as a humane and effective way to get rid of bats, but in reality, they are largely ineffective. While many animals, including rodents, are sensitive to high-frequency sounds, bats are not. Bats have evolved to use echolocation, which involves producing and detecting sounds at much higher frequencies than ultrasonic devices can emit. Therefore, ultrasonic devices are unlikely to have any impact on bat behavior or presence.

In addition, ultrasonic devices have limited range: Ultrasonic devices are only effective within a limited range, typically within a few feet of the device. This means that you would need multiple devices placed throughout your home to have any chance of affecting bats that may be present.

Finally, bats can adapt to ultrasonic devices: Even if bats were sensitive to ultrasonic frequencies, they are highly adaptable animals and can quickly learn to avoid or ignore the sounds. This means that the effectiveness of ultrasonic devices is likely to be short-lived.

Ignore the problem

Ignoring a bat infestation can lead to larger problems down the road, including damage to your building and potential health hazards. It’s important to address the issue promptly and effectively.

In conclusion, bat exclusion requires a delicate balance of humane treatment and effective exclusion techniques. Hiring a professional, using humane exclusion methods, and sealing all entry points are key to successful bat exclusion. Avoiding toxic chemicals, disturbing roosting bats, and ignoring the problem are crucial don’ts of bat exclusion. With these dos and don’ts in mind, you can safely and effectively exclude bats from your building.

If you think you have bats in your house, give our office a call today for a fast and free phone estimate. Kansas: 913.912.8985 or Missouri: 816.654.6922